Television Awards in the US (Trial) - logo

Television Awards in the US (Trial)

This dataset consists of a random sample of 100 television award nominees and winners from the full dataset that covers US television awards in the United States of America. All data is updated quarterly.
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Get access to the full product subscription updated every quarter by [clicking here](https://console.aws.amazon.com/dataexchange/home?region=us-east-1#/products/prodview-ikrg7v5eu5wlo).

This dataset consists of a random sample of 100 television award nominees and winners from the full dataset that covers US television awards in the United States of America. All data is updated quarterly, but please email us at support@relevantdata.io if you need more frequent updates.

If you are interested in acquiring other datasets that are relevant to your business, email us at sales@relevantdata.io.


### Fields

The following fields are included for each record:

* id

* award

* category

* year

* nominee

* winner

* affiliation

* role

* cast


### Specifications

* Coverage: US Television Awards

* Release Frequency: Quarterly

* 1 [JSONL](http://jsonlines.org/) File


### Data Collection

All data was responsibly aggregated from a variety of publicly accessible sources in front of a paywall.

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