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Bitdefender Security for Amazon Web Services

Bitdefender Security for Amazon Web Services is a top-ranked AV and endpoint security product designed for cloud infrastructures and managed from the Bitdefender GravityZone cloud-based console.

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AWS Marketplace

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AWS Marketplace

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Bitdefender Security for Amazon Web Services helps customers prevent cyber-attacks and data breaches with real-time Antivirus and Antimalware protection for file systems, memory, processes and registry as well as Risk Management and Device Control to reduce the attack surface.

Perfected over more than 10 years, machine learning and continuous process behavioral monitoring identify new malware and automatically detect and roll back threats that managed to execute.

Despite the comprehensive feature set, Bitdefender minimizes resource consumption on protected instances by offloading scan tasks to Bitdefender-hosted Security Virtual Appliances. The proprietary scan offload and caching technologies help lower infrastructure costs significantly compared with traditional endpoint security.

Bitdefender integration with AWS makes it very easy and fast to sync your GravityZone inventory with EC2 and automatically roll out protection to your AMIs. Simplify and streamline security by centrally managing protection from the same console, not just for AWS, but also for other cloud environments, and for physical and virtual machines hosted in any datacenter.

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