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People Data Labs Paid Company Dataset

Information on over 18 million companies.

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## Paid Company Dataset Product Overview

This is our full paid company data license of over 18mm company profiles. The data in this file is updated quarterly. If you would like to experiment with our coverage on a reduced field set, you can access our [Free Company Dataset](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/dataexchange/home?region=us-west-2#/products/prodview-3mk2hfwewisgg)


## Use Cases

Our company data is a powerful tool for segmentation and entity disambiguation. It can be used for a variety of use cases including.

### Revenue Operations

Company data is becoming increasingly relevant // important. As the tech world shifts towards a B2B focus ([which is a pretty clear trend](https://martech5000.com/about)) sales + marketing teams, investors, and legal teams are looking to understand companies better and better. A few key areas of interest have been de-duplicating accounts, creating metadata to help segment and score accounts, and text fields that help with tagging accounts to a use case or product.

### Audience Creation

Our customers are the audience providers who help their customers generate target audiences and often provide the additional service of creating marketing campaigns around our company and person data. Some help facilitate email campaigns, some help upload the audiences to add platforms like google ads and social media sites. Most are using our company data in conjunction with our [Person Data](https://docs.peopledatalabs.com/docs/fields)

### Machine Learning

Use PDL's historic company headcount changes, retention, and tenure to project future headcount growth, industry employment rates, and more. Companies use PDL data for forecasting the future of the labor market, individual company operating expenses, and company headcount strategy.

### Competitive Due Dilligence

Many companies use our [paid dataset](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/dataexchange/home#/products/prodview-umlejmirylpew) for finding similar companies for competitive analysis. This could be both an internal use case (looking for up-and-coming competitors) and when doing due dilligence as part of an investment process.


## Metadata

Description | Value


Update Frequency | Quartery

Data Source(s) | [Our Data Union](https://docs.peopledatalabs.com/docs/data-sources)

Data Creation Date | August 3, 2020

Last Data Modification Date | June 15, 2021

Geographic coverage | Global

Time period coverage | Current and Historic

Is historical data “point-in-time” | No

Data Set(s) Format(s) | JSON

Raw or scraped data | Raw

Key Fields | name, website, industry, size

Key Words | Sample, Free Data, Company Data, Global Data


## Schema

The data fields provided in this dataset are:

Field | Description | Count


id|PDL company ID. This is currently non-persistent and generated from the company's primary linkedin username|18,667,974

website|Primary company website|11,439,750

name|The company's main common name|18,126,889

founded|The founded year of the company|6,881,480

size|A range representing the number of people working at the company|18,667,974

location_name|The company's current HQ location name, generated from our canonical location data with the format locality, region, country|14,538,282

location_locality|The company's current HQ locality|11,928,638

location_region|The company's current HQ region|12,604,653

location_metro|The company's current HQ metro (US only)|4,520,117

location_country|The company's current HQ country|14,538,282

location_continent|The company's current HQ continent|14,538,282

location_street_address|The company's current HQ street address|5,921,131

location_address_line_2|The company's current HQ address line 2|731,810

location_postal_code|The company's current HQ postal code|4,945,118

location_geo|The company's current HQ city-level Geo|10,967,917

industry|Self reported industry -- the enum is from linkedin's standard industries|15,312,749

facebook_url|Primary company facebook|1,957,316

twitter_url|Primary company twitter url|1,785,426

linkedin_url|Primary company linkedin url|18,667,974

linkedin_id|Primary company linkedin ID|13,808,901

ticker|Company ticker (if type == public)|2,394

type|The type of the company|18,667,974

profiles|A list of all profiles associated with the company|18,667,974

tags|Tags associated with the company|5,425,806

summary|Company description|17,115,730

headline|The company's "headline" summary|3,296,975

alternative_names|The list of names associated with this company filtered to ensure data quality|3,818,733

alternative_domains|The list of alternate domains associated with this company.|330,643

affiliated_profiles|A list of company IDs that PDL has flagged as being affiliated and having an association to this company (either parent or child)|774,700


## Additional Information

* [Company Data Dictionary](https://docs.peopledatalabs.com/docs/company-fields)

* [Free Sample Available](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/dataexchange/home#/products/prodview-3mk2hfwewisgg)

* Reach out to your ADX representative to get access to our file of over 1bn global person profiles and/or 18mm company profiles.


## Pricing Information

Inquire for custom pricing.


## Regulatory and Compliance Information

Our data is sourced in a compliant manner and we are a registered data broker in California.. For more information, please inquire.


## Need Help?

* If you have questions about our products, contact us using the support information below.


## About People Data Labs

People Data Labs is your engineering partner for all things people data.

Our company has enabled thousands of engineering, data science, product, and other technical teams to build compliant, innovative, software solutions using b2b data.

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