China Zip/Postal Codes Dataset
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Postal codes from China Mainland are six numerical digits. They do not include letters or any additional numbers or letters beyond six. Examples are 860519, 448331 and 663312.
This dataset contains 43980 China zip/postal codes geocoded to the centroid location of the postal code area.
Here is the example top 10 rows:
Country (2 letter code – CN) | Postal Code | Latitude | Longitude
CN | 860519 | 29.20905 | 94.21052
CN | 860512 | 29.12238 | 93.77874
CN | 860411 | 28.95304 | 93.54079
CN | 860400 | 29.05089 | 93.07480
CN | 860300 | 29.82278 | 95.79073
CN | 860219 | 30.06036 | 93.60081
CN | 860200 | 29.88097 | 93.24523
CN | 860119 | 29.70206 | 94.73047
CN | 860118 | 29.49537 | 94.61101
CN | 860117 | 29.53776 | 94.46531
CN | 860113 | 29.76478 | 94.25132
and the example bottom 10 rows:
CN | 010040 | 40.78495 | 111.73129
CN | 010031 | 40.78437 | 111.65276
CN | 010030 | 40.81471 | 111.62525
CN | 010028 | 40.80785 | 111.71315
CN | 010020 | 40.81253 | 111.66925
CN | 010018 | 40.81121 | 111.66707
CN | 010015 | 40.83038 | 111.68751
CN | 010011 | 40.81948 | 111.70993
CN | 010010 | 40.79724 | 111.69279
CN | 010000 | 40.84524 | 111.67813
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