2gnoMe Platform - NSQ Online Teaching Standards
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For any teacher, this portal is a free resource that turns self-reflection and confidential feedback into a personalized learning experience that helps teachers thrive. The portal matches strengths and areas of growth with personalized recommendations from over 170 PD resources and activities vetted by the NSQ and its national contributors for higher quality.
Teachers Say:
One-stop for all the PD I need when I need it.
I enjoy my PD and get more out of it.
I am a more confident teacher.
For administrators at the school, district and state agency levels, the NSQ Online Teaching standards create a framework to support online and hybrid instruction for every teacher who needs such mastery. Our award-winning approach uniquely clarifies who needs what kind of professional learning in the first place. Then, it unifies all teachers and all parts of their PD experience in one place and lets you shape and personalize professional learning for the teachers in your network, at scale.
Grounded in the NSQ Online Teaching framework, this system puts your teachers in the middle of their professional learning and measures the impact of PD learning on the teaching practice, job retention and student outcomes.
Admins say:
I know where teachers are with their PD.
Leaves no educator behind.
All answers and results are confidential.
NSQ Online Teaching in Action is a partnership between The National Standards for Quality (NSQ) and 2gnoMe (To know me). The development of the NSQ Online Teaching standards and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by the NSQ and its national contributors.
Click here to view the NSQ Online Teaching in Action portal: https://nsq.2gno.me/workflow/nsq-online-teaching/
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