Scottish Public Sector LiDAR Dataset - logo

Scottish Public Sector LiDAR Dataset

This dataset is Lidar data that has been collected by the Scottish public sector and made available under the Open Government Licence. The data are available as point cloud (LAS format or in LAZ compressed format), along with the derived Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) products as Cloud optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) or standard GeoTIFF. The dataset contains multiple subsets of data which were each commissioned and flown in response to different organisational requirements. The details of each can be found at https://remotesensingdata.gov.scot/data#/list

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This dataset is Lidar data that has been collected by the Scottish public sector and made available under the Open Government Licence. The data are available as point cloud (LAS format or in LAZ compressed format), along with the derived Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) products as Cloud optimized GeoTIFFs (COG) or standard GeoTIFF. The dataset contains multiple subsets of data which were each commissioned and flown in response to different organisational requirements. The details of each can be found at https://remotesensingdata.gov.scot/data#/list

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