First Street™ - Climate Risk Score Summaries - Census Tract - logo

First Street™ - Climate Risk Score Summaries - Census Tract

First Street's aggregated national, property-level, climate-adjusted climate risk model peril-specific risk scores. The data sets are available in CSV format and are aggregated at the census tract level, with additional aggregate levels also available. These scores incorporate risk changes due to climate change from today to thirty years from now.
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First Street™ is the standard for physical climate risk data. First Street leverages the most advanced climate science and engineering approaches to quantify and communicate the risk for every property in the country.

This First Street data offering includes National, property-level, climate-adjusted environmental hazard risk model summary statistics. The data includes an aggregation of counts of properties with different Risk Factor scores by peril: flood, wildfire, wind, extreme heat, and air quality. This data set, available in CSV format, is aggregated at the census tract level, with various other geographic aggregation options available.

For further information and methodology, visit firststreet.org.

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