IP PBX using FreePBX on Ubuntu (VoIP) - logo

IP PBX using FreePBX on Ubuntu (VoIP)

This solution is a pre-configured FreePBX Distro that includes the system OS (Ubuntu), Asterisk, FreePBX GUI and assorted dependencies. VoIP Solution.

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IP PBX using FreePBX Solution on Ubuntu

FreePBX is a web-based open source GUI (graphical user interface) that controls and manages Asterisk (PBX), an open source communication server. FreePBX is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), an open source license. This solution is a pre-configured FreePBX Distro that includes the system OS, Asterisk, FreePBX GUI and assorted dependencies.

FreePBX Features

Add or change extension and voicemail accounts in seconds

Native support of SIP, IAX, and ZAP clients and more

Supports all Asterisk supported trunk technologies

Reduce long distance costs with LCR

Route incoming calls based on time-of-day

Create interactive Digital Receptionist (IVR) menus

Design sophisticated call groups

Manage callers with Queues

Upload custom on-hold music (MOH)

Search company directory, based on first or last name

Detect and receive incoming faxes

Share administrative duties

Backup and Restore your system

Save audio recordings of calls

View extension and trunk status with Flash Operator Panel

View conversation recordings with Asterisk Recording Interface (ARI)

Unlimited number of Voicemail boxes

Follow Me functionality

Ring Groups with calls confirmation

Unlimited number of Conferences

Music on Hold (via MP3s, or streamed off the internet)

Paging and Intercom functionality for man SIP phones that support it

Call Queues

Disclaimer: FreePBX is a registered trademark of Sangoma Technologies Inc and is licensed under the GPL.

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